Month: September 2017

Et Amor Retrospective

Another great Cor Flammae season has come to an end. This year we were joined by conductor and composer Leslie Uyeda, who’s work inspired the formation of our choir, so it was an amazing dream come true to work with her. She brought her years of choral and opera expertise to the project, and we were privileged to have her directing the ensemble.

Our 2017 etAMOR concert was another return, to the beginning of the queer story, to love. Queer liberation begins with love – our struggle to love openly and without persecution, and to love ourselves when the world tells us we are unlovable for being different. To think about love from a queer perspective is to accept heartache, loss and danger alongside joy, hidden treasures, self-discovery, community and survival. In seeking to love openly, we have found others like us, and created this imperfect and beautiful community in which we care for one another.

One of my favourite parts of my Cor Flammae work is writing and designing the programme, which the paragraph above is a sample from. Check out the full publication on



It was lots of fun to do all the usual collateral for the season too! From audition posters, to fundraising graphics and the event poster, it’s so great to do a whole campaign from start to finish. I even got to film and edit this year’s YouTube videos!  It was an amazing season – our best yet – and I’m so proud to have had a part in it!